VNP-017 Add 15th validator to the network

VNP-017 Add 15th validator to the network:
Change parameter network.validators.tendermint.number and network.validators.multisig.numberOfSigners.

Change network.validators.tendermint.number from 14 to 15 and network.validators.multisig.numberOfSigners from 13 to 15.


The motivation for this is the same as for the increase from 13 to 14, as proposed here which has been approved by on-chain governance back in September.

Full proposal JSON 1

Update on this: submitted

    "rationale": {
      "title": "VNP-017 Add 15th validator to the network",
      "description": "Change `network.validators.tendermint.number` from `14` to `15` as set out in [VNP-015]("
    "terms": {
      "updateNetworkParameter": {
        "changes": {
          "key": "network.validators.tendermint.number",
          "value": "15"
      "closingTimestamp": 1699873200,
      "enactmentTimestamp": 1699873200

Full proposal JSON 2

Update on this: the network validation will only accept this proposal once the above one has gone through.

    "rationale": {
      "title": "VNP-017 Add 15th validator to the network",
      "description": "Change `network.validators.multisig.numberOfSigners` from `13` to `15` as set out in [VNP-015]("
    "terms": {
      "updateNetworkParameter": {
        "changes": {
          "key": "network.validators.multisig.numberOfSigners",
          "value": "15"
      "closingTimestamp": -,
      "enactmentTimestamp": -


Update: the multisig update has been submitted on chain.