VNP-19 - Enable Volume Discount Program

VNP-19/20 - Enable Volume Discount Program

Change parameter volumeDiscountProgram.maxBenefitTiers to 5 and volumeDiscountProgram.maxVolumeDiscountFactor to 0.5.

The above changes will allow a volume discount program to be enabled (if I understand correctly). Having a way to reward loyal users with lower trading fees is super important for the growth of Vega. A Volume Discount program is industry standard and something that is needed to ensure Vega stays competitive and inviting for new users.

Next, I propose to introduce the following Volume Discount Program:

The above Volume Discount Program offers a 10% fee reduction on the base fee for every 5x increase in 30d Trailing Volume for 1 year. I believe the discount is fair and in line with CEXs, but I understand that we may want to be more aggressive if users are still unhappy. The fee tiers make it not too difficult to achieve a meaningful fee reduction.

Given that MMs can set fees across markets, this may require us to adjust the Volume program occasionally.

In general, I think that DEXs like Vega need to be significantly more competitive on fees vs CEXs for people to fully migrate. Given the reality that CEXs can offer a lot more in terms of product, marketing program/initiatives, etc. However, I’m currently conscious of not setting fees too low to where validators are unhappy.

Full Proposal JSON 1:

    "rationale": {
      "title": "VNP-19/20 - Enable Volume Discount Program",
      "description": "Change parameter `volumeDiscountProgram.maxBenefitTiers` to `5`."
    "terms": {
      "updateNetworkParameter": {
        "changes": {
          "key": "volumeDiscountProgram.maxBenefitTiers",
          "value": "5"
      "closingTimestamp": 0,
      "enactmentTimestamp": 0

Full Proposal JSON 2:

    "rationale": {
      "title": "VNP-19/20 - Enable Volume Discount Program",
      "description": "Change parameter `volumeDiscountProgram.maxVolumeDiscountFactor` to `0.5`."
    "terms": {
      "updateNetworkParameter": {
        "changes": {
          "key": "volumeDiscountProgram.maxVolumeDiscountFactor",
          "value": "0.5"
      "closingTimestamp": 0,
      "enactmentTimestamp": 0

Full Proposal JSON 3:

    "proposalSubmission": {
    "rationale": {
      "title": "VNP-19/20 - Enable Volume Discount Program",
      "description": "This enacts a Volume Discount Program with a 30D window and 5 discount tiers."
    "terms": {
        "updateVolumeDiscountProgram": {
          "changes": {
            "end_of_program_timestamp": TBD (1 year),
            "window_length": 30,
            "benefitTiers": [
                "minimumRunningNotionalTakerVolume": "1000000",
                "volumeDiscountFactor": "0.1"
                "minimumRunningNotionalTakerVolume": "5000000",
                "volumeDiscountFactor": "0.2"
                "minimumRunningNotionalTakerVolume": "25000000",
                "volumeDiscountFactor": "0.3"
                "minimumRunningNotionalTakerVolume": "125000000",
                "volumeDiscountFactor": "0.4"
                "minimumRunningNotionalTakerVolume": "625000000",
                "volumeDiscountFactor": "0.5"
      "closingTimestamp": 0,
      "enactmentTimestamp": 0

Fully agree with these recommendations!

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Looks good to me. Commodum supports this proposal.

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Worth noting that as maxBenefitTiers is currently 10 and maxVolumeDiscountFactor is currently 0.90 there is no need to change either parameter. And in fact those changes would be bad as they’d restrict the flexibility of future updates.

Therefore only proposal 3 is needed.

I think this makes sense if validators and market makers in the community believe it is sustainable and are happy with it the proposed discount levels.


I wonder if we should initially propose a discount programme that runs only for 2/3 months but all the volumes are divided by 10 so that the discounts are more achievable?

Could we not just update the current proposal after it passes with new params if we believe the discounts are too hard to achieve?

We can indeed. Submitting a new “volume discount programme” proposal will effectively update this one.

I think the proposed discount tiers are reasonable as a starting point.

I know the following comparison is not perfect because Binance is the market leader so can afford to be a bit less aggressive with their discounts but if we do make the comparison to Binance then we see that the tiers proposed by Jubi are very achievable in comparison to those offered by Binance:

On Binance the first tier starts at $15,000,000, while ours would start at $1,000,000. Our $625,000,000 volume tier would be comparable to the $2,500,000,000 volume tier on Binance, and this is ignoring the BNB holding requirement. So it seems we are more competitive at both ends of the distribution.