I need help to do a spot market proposal any one can help in coding I have no experience

“proposal”: {
“reference”: “new-spot-market-pirate”,
“rationale”: {
“title”: “Create Spot Market for $PIRATE”,
“description”: “This proposal aims to create a new spot market for the ERC-20 token $PIRATE on the Vega Protocol.”
“terms”: {
“newMarket”: {
“instrument”: {
“name”: “PIRATE/USDT Spot Market”,
“code”: “PIRATEUSDT”,
“future”: {
“settlementAsset”: {
“symbol”: “USDT”
“quoteName”: “USDT”,
“oracleSpecForSettlementPrice”: {
“pubKeys”: [
“filters”: [
“key”: {
“name”: “prices.PIRATE”,
“type”: “TYPE_INTEGER”
“conditions”: [
“value”: “0”
“oracleSpecForTradingTermination”: {
“pubKeys”: [
“filters”: [
“key”: {
“name”: “termination_time”,
“conditions”: [
“value”: “2025-01-01T00:00:00Z”
“oracleSpecBinding”: {
“settlementPriceProperty”: “prices.PIRATE”,
“tradingTerminationProperty”: “termination_time”
“linearSlippageFactor”: “0.0001”,
“quadraticSlippageFactor”: “0.0001”
“decimalPlaces”: 6,
“positionDecimalPlaces”: 2,
“metadata”: {
“tags”: [
“priceMonitoringParameters”: {
“triggers”: [
“horizon”: 60,
“probability”: “0.999”,
“auctionExtension”: 120
“liquidityMonitoringParameters”: {
“targetStakeParameters”: {
“timeWindow”: 3600,
“scalingFactor”: 10
“triggeringRatio”: “0.7”,
“auctionExtension”: 600
“riskParameters”: {
“logNormal”: {
“riskAversionParameter”: “0.01”,
“tau”: “0.0001”,
“mu”: “0”,
“r”: “0”
“fees”: {
“infrastructureFee”: “0.001”,
“liquidityFee”: “0.001”,
“makerFee”: “0.001”,
“takerFee”: “0.001”
“openingAuction”: {
“duration”: 300,
“volume”: “0”

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Hi @Sparrow, great to see a new proposal here!

I’m happy to try to help fixing the proposal. Let me just confirm something.

It seems like you want to make a spot market proposal? To do so we will need first to list the $PIRATE token on the vega bridge, this comes with another type of proposal first.

Now if you wanted to create a Perps or Future market you’d need an external price source for funding or settlement. I can’t find any on pyth for this, there might be some uniswap pool that can be used for that, but I’m not sure yet what token address we are speaking of so I can’t confirm. Could you share the token address for $PIRATE please?

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I want to do spot market because I do not know if any one is willing to provide liquidity for prep/ future
It is fairly new token with only bybit has future market for it
The Ethereum network (ERC-20 token) contract address for Pirate Nation (PIRATE) is 0x7613C48E0cd50E42dD9Bf0f6c235063145f6f8DC.