XPRV Validator Profile

Team / Company / DAO

Iā€™m Maxim Legg and I run XPRV with James Corbett, together we head up a global crypto team and bring together product, software and infrastructure for high performance applications. We help our clients with their crypto strategy and architecture.


We are specialised in crypto currencies and finance. Our projects range across DeFi, Derivatives Trading, Custody, Validation, Mining, Infrastructure, and High Speed Indexing. For Tendermint PoS we setup a multi region Cosmos validator. Recently completed a blockchain backbone for a large private client. To manage accounts, keys and smart contracts. In use by over one hundred thousand active users and capable of high transaction throughput.


We are experienced at building custodian solutions in both hardware and software environments for Bitcoin and Ethereum. Given our infrastructure expertise - scaling high performance custodian services - everything is firewalled, access controlled, end-to-end encrypted and monitored.


Multi geographic region cloud environments with coordinated signers to prevent slashing. All our production applications run on Kubernetes for scalability and zero downtime.


For raw compute power we are experienced with AWS and GCP for cloud. We also run bare metal co-located servers in multiple regions with large AMD Epyc Nodes, GPU servers and rack servers all with terabytes of local SSDs.

We are familiar with building and maintaining high profile systems handling millions of dollars in volume, from the development stage through to monitoring and optimisation in production.


We manage investor relationships using collaboration tools and social media. We regularly take part and organise networking meetup groups.


We intended to manage our community group via discord and telegram. For community reach we will promote our validator through media channels with Bot updates and voting.