Step-by-step guide on Recurring transfer Incentives

  1. Make a wallet,
    [Get the Vega Wallet](https://Vega wallet)
    For the recurring transfer, you need the CLI wallet.
    You can create the wallet using the app and import it into CLI using your seed.
    For that, please follow the guide,
    [Restore a wallet | Vega Protocol](https://Import wallet into CLI)

  2. Get a token you want to transfer. Faucet it and deposit it onto Vega network.
    2.1 Get token or faucet it
    2.2 When balance is topped. Approve transacting on it
    2.3 Deposit the token onto Vega
    Vega+ depositing

  3. Setup your recurring transfer:
    3.1 Start your CMD on windows or Shell terminal on Linux/OSX
    3.2 On Windows, run the following command

vegawallet.exe command send --wallet "wallet-name" --pubkey "pubkey" --network fairground ^
"{\"transfer\": ^
   { ^
       \"fromAccountType\": \"ACCOUNT_TYPE_GENERAL\", ^
       \"toAccountType\": \"ACCOUNT_TYPE_GENERAL\", ^
       \"to\":\"KEY\", ^
       \"asset\":\"fc7fd956078fb1fc9db5c19b88f0874c4299b2a7639ad05a47a28c0aef291b55\", ^
       \"amount\":\"10000000000000000000\", ^
       \"recurring\":{ ^
           \"startEpoch\": 1, ^
           \"endEpoch\": 10, ^
           \"factor\": \"1\" ^
       } ^
   } ^

3.2 On Linux/OSX, run the command,

vegawallet command send --wallet "wallet-name" --pubkey "pubkey" --network fairground '{
        "toAccountType": "ACCOUNT_TYPE_GENERAL",
        "to": "KEY",
        "asset": "fc7fd956078fb1fc9db5c19b88f0874c4299b2a7639ad05a47a28c0aef291b55",
        "amount": "10000000000000000000",
        "recurring": {
            "startEpoch": 1,
            "endEpoch": 10,
            "factor": "1"


* `startEpoch`: The number of the epoch in which you want the first transfer to be made. It will initiate at the end of that epoch.
* `factor`: Written as a decimal less than 1.0. Factor is used to determine what portion of the full `amount` is transferred in each epoch. Think of it like a percentage, so the number you include, when multiplied by 100, will equal what percentage of the amount will be transferred each time.

If you do not have enough to cover each transfer and its fee, the transfer will automatically be cancelled. Otherwise, the transfer will repeated indefinitely, unless you add the optional parameter to end the recurring transfer:

* `endEpoch`: The number of the epoch in which you want the last transfer to be made.

PS. The current epoch is ti be found on the governance portal. for testnet for mainnet

Official Recurring Transfer Guide to be found here,
[Transfer Loop - Incentivised Transfers](https://Recurring Transfer Official Guide)