Bounty Challenge: Build A Command And Control App For Traders

Earlier this year we launched our a private invitation only Vega Testnet. We would like the community to help guide the evolution of our platform before we launch it more publicly later this year. We believe that a fun way to continue this expansion is with a Gitcoin Bounty challenge worth 501 DAI.

The aim of the challenge is to build a mobile-centric app (web or native) that connects to Vega’s APIs (gRPC, REST, or GraphQL) to serve as a tool for traders to monitor and manage their positions across multiple markets.

Our team has set out a list of features we’d love to see and guidelines to be in with a chance of being awarded the bounty. If you’re accepted as a participant, you’ll receive early access to the private Testnet and guidance/documentation from the Vega team.

We’re running the Gitcoin bounty challenge for around 3 weeks. Don’t delay, get involved today!

Ask questions and learn more over in the Integrating Vega category.


Cool, really looking forward to see what people up with.


We’ve got several participants already working on the challenge :muscle: :hammer_and_wrench:

Can’t wait to see what’s built either :slight_smile:

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I’m looking forward to seeing what people come up with!

Love this idea @chrisvega … this is the first time the community is getting their hands on the api’s … is that right?

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Good question @Rebecca we’ve been on-boarding people to our invite only testnet for quite a while, offering them a really personal service, the bounty challenge opens up a more self serve and community focused on-ramp to our Developer APIs. So yes, and no, as a progression we’ll get even more great minds working on Vega apps.

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